Our popular column featuring the latest and greatest in drool-worthy, must have fishing gear and equipment for the year! Get your ‘hooks’ into these. We have, and we did well! We’ll update you with new gear that we’ve tried through the year. If it appears here—it’s Gear for the Year 2019 – Part 1…
TKO Bozo
No clowning around, this lure works. And boy does it have history—did you know that TKO stands for Total Knock Off? They say that imitation is a form of flattery, and there’s no shortage of it in the tackle industry. This company proudly wears its love of the history … 3 generations of McKights going back 80 years. In 1960 Jim Gilbert launched his improved version, the famous Krippled K. Then in 2009, Robert Van Pelt launched his rendition—the TKO line, built for crazy wiggle action due to its light weight design and bends.
Tomic 5″ 645 uvbii
It’s big, it’s fat, and it’s juicy! If you are fishing Campbell River area, this is a great go-to plug to match the herring, especially early season. There’s no aid like herring aid.
Hot Spot Original Red Silver #984
You guessed it—the original flasher. Hot Spot started it all in the 1950s, and if your father or grandfather’s old tackle box has a tale to tell, it’s with this flasher in green or in orange. Find one with an eye—“the hot spot”—and you have a collector’s item right there!
Yo-Zuri Hoochies 3.5″ Colour M111L / Needlefish Colour 004J (MA99)
These glow with light green stripes and silver flecks, sparkle and say “eat me” in the spring – you won’t go wrong especially if you are fishing around from Sooke at Secretary Island to Victoria, Oak Bay all the way to Porlier Pass, Gabriola, and heck—the rest of the way up through Parksville and Courtenay. Maybe next time, we’ll just say “anywhere.” Try it with a shorter leader (32″ in early spring and 42″ later in the season). Toll at moderate to snappy speeds from 1.5 to 3.5 mph.
Tomic 4″ Classic RVP2#118ii
If you haven’t done much plug fishing, this is a great all-purpose, all-area plug to add to your arsenal. If you are fishing the Georgia Strait, this a great suggestion. Plug fishing is so much fun, too—no flasher required!
Gibbs Wee G Outfitter
Well hello, little fella! This is a terrific lure for the Salish Sea. Uses “extreme glow” for fishing deep; rumor has it this lure has made a lot of fish miss school the next day, and well, for life. When it comes to this lure, fish just won’t learn. Savvy?
Shimano 80g Blue Sardine Butterfly Flat-Fall Jig
Drop it like it’s hot-—because it is. Send it to the bottom, then crank it up about 30 feet and free spool this little devil. You can also cast and let it fall while free spooling. You’ll find the bite on the fall with this one—its center balance keeps it horizontal and in the “strike zone” longer. And hey, 2 Owner hooks are better than one.
Lighthouse Lures Glow Fishing Lure Charging Flashlight
If you haven’t picked up a UV flashlight to charge up your glow lures yet, you just haven’t seen the light. Lighthouse has; look for their LED glow light charger and don’t leave the dock without it. Your lures will charge up faster and hold that charge longer than with natural light.
Big Eye Mini 3.0 Avocado Dream
Butter, dill, a little salt and pepper … it’s all you really need to be thinking about if you use this one. Great size, bright colours, great glow, and a sweet 3/0 Mustad 2X strong hook means you’ll get a long life with this tasty treat.
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Father Day - Catch & Release 40 lb Hatchery male, North Island. Taylor and Ray Logan