Halibut Basics: Bait
When choosing fresh bait to dredge along the bottom for deep-water species like halibut, lingcod and yelloweye rockfish, you should consider the findings of the US National Marine Fisheries Service.
When choosing fresh bait to dredge along the bottom for deep-water species like halibut, lingcod and yelloweye rockfish, you should consider the findings of the US National Marine Fisheries Service.
I never go near lakes or moving water without these two patterns in my fly box. They have proven to be deadly over the years, and I find it especially effective for any species of trout when they home in on emerging insects feeding in the top few inches.
What is motor mooching? In my research, I found that in the early days (about 1900), when the first railroads were built to Seattle, many of the laborers were Chinese and Japanese immigrants who fished off the docks using herring they had caught themselves.
One of the biggest sport-caught Chinook salmon on record was landed on B.C.’s central coast in August 2012—then tossed back into the ocean. Tourist Deborah Whitman-Perry of Newmarket, Ontario, caught the giant weighing 83 pounds, three ounces (38 kg).
Coho are well known for their aggressive behaviour and for their jumping and rolling tactic once hooked; they can vary in size, and can range from seven to 20 pounds.
On any road trip, I check and grease my trailer’s Bearing Buddy-equipped hubs and do a quick visual inspection of trailer, tie-downs, wheels, hitch and safety chains every time out.
For many of us who concentrated our excursions mainly on steelhead, the ultimate high came in watching our recently vanquished quarry firming back into the depths to continue the spawning run.
With no reefs, back eddies, tide rips or whirlpools to create hazardous conditions, Alberni Inlet is classic small boat water. Expect to see everything from kayaks, tiny dinghies and inflatables, to houseboats, yachts and ocean-going cruisers.
Every year I plan the flies for Fly of the Month for the year. One of the things I hear when I am on the water is what are you using. This year I will share with you my flies that I use, and how to fish them.
That Campbell River is recognized worldwide as the “Salmon Capital of the World” is common knowledge. It’s neither an idle boast nor Chamber of Commerce hyperbole; it’s simply a fact.