Letters To The Editor
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Joel Unickow
About Island Fisherman Magazine
Nobody understands the needs of British Columbia’s West Coast sport fishing community like Island Fisherman Magazine. The Island’s only recreational fishing magazine, that covers the West Coast from the Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands) to Victoria on Vancouver Island.
Island Fisherman Magazine provides “how-to” and “where-to-go” information that really counts, whether you prefer angling in freshwater for rainbows, cutthroats, brown trout, steelhead, or smallmouth bass, or in saltwater for Chinook, coho, pink, sockeye or chum salmon, halibut, lingcod, or various species of bottom fish. Island Fisherman Magazine will help you find the big ones, suggest the best times to plan your trips, and how to simply experience what the West Coast has to offer.
The driving force behind Island Fisherman Magazine’s proven successful results for our readers and the advertisers who support us are the monthly Area Reports that offer current, in-depth information about the freshwater and saltwater fishing opportunities for each area.
Our focus is on entertaining and educating avid anglers with fishing lodge and resort profiles, charter operations, new product information, tackle shop and outdoor store features, plus articles and columns on how-to and where-to-go written by some of British Columbia’s premier outdoor writers.
We Also Feature
- West Coast Flyfisher: Fly Fishing Tips by Bill Luscombe and Fly of the Month by various experts.
- Tackle Talk: What’s new on the scene, field test reports, how-to maintenance and make repairs to rods, reels, and lures.
- Joel’s Tips: Helpful hints from Vancouver Island Publisher Joel Unickow.
- Let’s Get Cookin’: Kitchen- and galley-tested recipes.
- Huxley’s Run: Quite simply, Dr. Adipose Huxley is Canada’s funniest outdoor writer.
- Reviews: The Latest in books and videos relating to all facets of recreational fishing.
- Brag Board: Full-colour “trophy catch” photographs.
- West Coast Tides: The Chinook and halibut angler’s best friend.
- Solunar-Lunar Tables: Helps anglers pick peak feeding periods.
- Contests and promotions: If it’s happening anywhere on the West Coast you can read about it.
Free Distribution On Vancouver Island
Available at Canadian Tire and Wal-Mart, tackle shops, marinas, service stations, hotels and beer and wine outlets plus where ever a fisherman might be. Get your complimentary sample issue while they last at multiple locations on Vancouver Island.
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(250) 667-4801
info (at) ifishmag (dot) com