Are you kids getting cabin fever? Are you looking for something fun for them to do while they may learn something as well? Island Fisherman has your back! 😉
During the COVID-19 pandemic, parents and kids sometimes run out of things to do while at home. We thought a few fun fishing pages to play with might be helpful and a good way to spend a little time.
Kids Activities Contest
From April 16th to May 7th, 2020, be sure to have your kids colour the back page and send it to us. You can take a photo of it, or scan it. Email it to [email protected].
Kids 10 years old, and under may enter between April 16th to May 7th, 2020. Only one entry per child. This contest is limited to residents of Canada and the US. Parents must be submitting the artwork on behalf of the child. The child must have permission to play this contest. Any colouring materials such a crayons, markers, paint’s, or pastels are all acceptable. The child’s first name, and last name’s initial must be written on the provided space.
Any additional photos (ie. of your child), sent to Island Fisherman Magazine are considered for public publishing use by Island Fisherman Magazine in it’s print magazine, website, or social media channels. If you do not want your child’s photo published, please do not send a photo, other than the contest entry. Submissions must be made by email to: [email protected].
All submissions must be received by email no later than 11:00 PM PT May 7th, 2020.
Bragging rights, of course! We’ll also showcase the winner’s submission (and photo if applicable) in a future article. And, the winner will receive a new, limited edition, Island Fisherman Magazine baseball cap!
Free Kids Activities Booklet Instructions
Simply download the PDF booklet by clicking the image below, then print it off and enjoy!
Do you like this idea? We’d love to get your feedback (click here).
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Father Day - Catch & Release 40 lb Hatchery male, North Island. Taylor and Ray Logan