
Fishing And Outdoor Gear Reviews
OKUMA Ceymar C-55
This is quite simply an amazing reel, especially at around $70! Its weight says it all. It offers a 5.0:1 gear ratio, precision elliptical gear system, and multi-disc, oiled felt drag. The Ceymar reels are popular for their “Cyclonic Flow Rotor” that increases air flow through the ported rotor and minimizes water intrusion and corrosion. We found the C-55 is perfect for salmon jigging when we tested it on the kayak.
Whether for the zombie apocalypse, kayak fishing, or a day offshore, never settle on a VHF. This one is portable, GPS-enabled, IPX8 waterproof, and floats. With DSC capabilities and an 1800 mAh Li-ion battery (or 3 AAA), it boasts 11 hours of constant use. With a large bright screen, weather alerts, and an FM radio, it’s well worth the $275 CND. The strobe light even automatically turns on when it contacts water.
Welcome to your new primary cooking tool, whether for hunting, fishing, or camping. It’s sturdy, has excellent propane burners with good control, and is collapsible. It’s not for hiking, but with an optional rolling case, it’s easily transported and packed, and setup is a breeze. Camp Chef takes things to the next level with optional add-ons like a griddle, BBQ, and … wait for it … a pizza oven!
LUHR-JENSEN Deep Six Diving Sinker
With an adjustable trip mechanism that can handle fast troll and serious current, this little devil is great for getting your bait to depth. It’s available in three sizes ( 25⁄8 oz, 31⁄2 oz, and 5 oz), but the 31⁄2 oz is rated for a diving depth of approximately 60′, which is more than enough for when the coho start showing up. Think, “instant third rod.”
O’KI TACKLE Big Shooter Super Herring Aid
One of the most in-demand and talked about flashers for the 2020 season, this metallic silver bad boy could very well be your next best friend. And hey, it’s not just Herring Aid, it’s Super Herring Aid. But while the S on Superman’s chest stands for “hope,” this flasher will give you much more than that. Like its older sister Betsy, this flasher provides electrolysis.
LIGHTHOUSE LURES Black/Green/Glow Teaser Heads
These are teaser heads that give back in more ways than one: Partial proceeds go
to the Pacific Salmon Foundation, and the fish you catch will benefit your dinner table. These are terrific anchovy or herring bait holders, with a winning colour set and the added benefit of glow and even glowing pins. Planning on fishing deep? These will go low and glow baby, glow!
MEPPS Syclops
We’ve got our eye on this one, and you should too! With silver plating for blinding flash and an extremely aggressive bend for fish-maddening action, this one-eyed, UV-taped little fellow is destined to become one of the newest west coast staples. Sporting a corrosion-resistant nickel-plated blade finish, a brass body, and stainless-steel split rings, it’s a no- brainer for saltwater action. Fish and fisherman will be hooked.
French-Canadian fishing guide H. Robare made the original Wabbler from a cutout of a headlight bezel with a pair of tin snips in 1920. Today, it’s a lake fishing staple. Use it on a slow troll (or retrieve)—1 mph for the perfect flash and vibration. Its shape offers a side-to-side motion that will make a baited hook, or a nice fly, dart perfectly when trailed with a 12- to 24-in leader.
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Father Day - Catch & Release 40 lb Hatchery male, North Island. Taylor and Ray Logan