Join the fun and fundraising of this year’s derby on Friday, August 28 and Saturday August 29, 2020 with an entry fee of $100 per fisher. Thousands of dollars in gifts and cash prizes will be given way! – for more details please email: [email protected].
Limited to 200 entries, So get your tickets now at Westview Marina fuel dock or call (250) 934-7672 to reserve Your tickets.
Only 50 persons will be allowed to gather at one time, due to COVID health and safety.
Just another morning out
Chinook & Coho Returns in Esperanza Inlet & Nootka Sound
The department of Fisheries and Oceans is protecting a strong return of Chinook & Coho to the Esperanza Inlet and Nootka Sound for the 2020 & 2021 seasons. 50,000 Chinook/Spring and 10,000 Coho will be returning to the Esperanza Inlet and Nootka Sound areas this year.
Enhancement Works
River and stream rehabilitation projects, volunteer hatchery programs, and a collaborative agreement process with the local Federal Hatchery that has increased the release of salmon by 25%. Inside Area 25 Esperanza/Nootka we are at possession limit of 4 Chinook or 8 coho. So, change out that old fishing line, lube up those reels, sharpen your hooks, and get ready to fill up your freezers for this could be one of our best fishing/catching seasons yet!
odi Hennigsen with her 33lb Tyee caught in July 2020 at Pin Rocks near the mouth of Esperanza Inlet
Previous Derbies
Westview Marina’s Salmon Enhancement Derby has raised over $500,000 within the past 16 years of their annual derby and other fundraising activities.
Watch this Island Fisherman video for a taste!
This video appeared in a 2018 article here.
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Featured Catch
Father Day - Catch & Release 40 lb Hatchery male, North Island. Taylor and Ray Logan