“All quarantine and no fishing makes me a dull boy,” read the typewriter, over and over again, as I worked on the latest batch of articles. I was in quarantine. My wife and kids had left for spring break in Mexico a few days before the coronavirus (COVID-19) problem really blew up. When Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on the news, “If you are Canadian and travelling out of the country, it’s time to come home,” I scrambled to change their flights. With no luck in sight from Westjet, I turned to another airline and spent $2,000 on one-way flights to get them back as soon as I could. It took what seemed like forever, but they made it back safe and sound, and we all quickly adhered to the rule of self-quarantine for 14 days.
14 Days Of Self-Quarantine
Staying at home for 14 days, well…it was a matter of finding things to keep me busy when I wasn’t working on content or research for the magazine. I thought it would be good to share the activities I found to be a distraction until I was able to leave my home and self-isolate for a few hours of fishing. What better way to explain that than with pictures?
Day 1: Gear Maintenance
What a great opportunity to change hooks and tie leaders. With no shortage of set-ups at hand, getting gear ready seemed like a no brainer place to start.
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Father Day - Catch & Release 40 lb Hatchery male, North Island. Taylor and Ray Logan