Two Men And Their Fishing Rods: An Interview
The quirky TV show Two Men and Their Fishing Rods ...
The quirky TV show Two Men and Their Fishing Rods ...
For the most part, a salt water fly fisher plying ...
Tell anyone that you plan on casting a fly to scorpionfish and they will look at you as if you are from another planet.
Standard high-producing flies, such as the Pink Handlebar and Cathy’s Coat, are likely the main ammunition for most fly fishers. However..
Hook – Mustad 9049, size #6. Debarb and ...
A single, generic form of nymph will often cover a lot of circumstances when those common insects are active.
A quick fish fix can be had pretty much right outside one’s own back door or within a stone’s throw from the shopping and business centres. As an added bonus, several urban lakes offer wheelchair accessible platforms.
For fly fishers, shallow water is a relative term. For most of us it means water less than three feet deep. Many of the best places on streams and along salt-water beaches, where fly fishing is often most effective, are only this deep. Some anglers find it surprising, but good-sized fish can and do utilize these shallow areas for feeding...
In my opinion, winter-run steelhead are simply the toughest fly-fishing challenge on coastal streams—period. If there is any form of fly fishing that requires anglers to pay their dues by putting in countless long hours and many days before being graced with a hook-up from their quarry, winter-run steelhead fly-fishing is it.