The Public Recreational Fishery is under attack.
Fisheries Minister Jonathan Wilkinson will be receiving DFO Management advice most likely in the week of March 11, 2019 with respect to management options for Fraser Chinook (aka Option A or Option B).
In that, Minister Wilkinson will likely read advice from a number of ENGO (environmental non-governmental organization) groups and some FNs (First Nations) calling for closure of the recreational fishery, or in the alternative strong support for Option A. While not all ENGOs or FNs support closing the recreational fishery, there has been a strong media campaign over several months taking direct aim at closure of the public fishery.
As the Minister’s decision is imminent, the need for you to write directly to the Minister has never been more more important. A personal letter, not a form letter, is the best option. Simply state your concerns. Outline the social and economic cost and how Option A will effectively remove your opportunity and expectation of catching fish. People and jobs will be impacted. The recreational fishery in BC generates 9,000 jobs – why are western Canadian jobs any less important from a public policy perspective than 9,000 jobs at SNC Lavalin?
Over 700 people took the time to write personal letters to DFO expressing their views on the Chinook Measures Options. If you already sent a letter, thank you. What we are asking you to do now is re-send that same letter directly to the Minister. Anyone who hasn’t had opportunity to write, please do so in the next few days. Delaying even until March 15 may be too late. Be heard.
The Minister’s email: min@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
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