Attention anglers. There is an important town hall meeting at the Four Points Sheraton in Langford BC on Tuesday, February 27th 2024 at 7 PM.
If you value your recreational fishing and your continued access to salmon fishing you need to attend this information session. Panelists will discuss the impacts of Chinook-non-retention in light of the huge numbers of Chinook that have returned to key BC rivers in 2023; the prospects for marked selective fisheries to be able to access abundant hatchery produced salmon; the progress being made towards marking more hatchery Chinook and Coho and the impact of Southern Resident Killer Whale fishing restrictions, which change yearly, are almost impossible to understand and have been applied in an ad hoc manner in spite of advice given to the government’s killer whale recovery team. The organizers, listed on the poster below, want to hear what you have to say, so that it can be passed on to fisheries managers and politicians.

- This event has passed.