Get your hooks into this awesome gear. We did, and we did well.
Shelton Fish Descender
We’ve shown you how to make your own, and we’ve shown you the expensive ones. For a mere $10.00, you can be fishing fully legal with this on board. We all have to get those bloated rockfish suffering barotrauma back to their depth so they survive, and it only takes a couple of minutes with a device like this. Handy, easy to use, and cheap!
L’il Nib Humpy Special
A great August lure for casting and jigging island-wide. Keep this one handy setup on a spinning rod in case you are trolling and see surface fish, like pink salmon, feeding. Cast this into the frenzy and get ready for some fun. If you are jigging with it, don’t be surprised if you catch bottom fish. L’il Nib—”The Slack Tide Specialist” (Thanks John Noble for this one.)
Mepps Aglia
Freshwater fishermen will confirm that this is a must-have lure; as Mepps says, “3 generations of fishermen have considered the Mepps Aglia their confidence lure.” Trolling or bouncing off rock piles, this little dandy is your go-to lake lure. Heading to Shawnigan Lake? Bring it and you’ll do well for bass and trout.
Luhr Jensen—Ford Fender
If you ever heard someone say they were “dragging car parts,” this is surely where it came from. The Ford Fender has been around over 80 years, and this solid stainless-steel trolling attractor has terrific flash and vibration to draw in predators from distance. Perfect for a spoon, spinner or plug at 24 to 36 in, it’s nothing less than an essential part of your tackle box.
Lansky Sharpener
At 43⁄4-in long, it’s bigger than the average pocket sharpeners out there. That’s a good thing, though, as it’s easy to find. We especially like the multi-groove configuration that handles a variety of hook sizes. Just run the hook through the groove a couple times towards you, and you’re good to go. At a mere 1-oz weight, you can carry it everywhere in a vest or your tackle box.
Jughead Shaker Hoochie Rig— UV White Hoochie
Rigging your hoochie in a teaser head is becoming really popular again—it’s the action! This setup makes it too easy right out of the package! It’s pre-rigged with a 4/0 Mustad hook on 40-lb mono 72-in. Yup, it works great behind a flasher between 42 and 72 in, but we bet you’ll have a ton of fun if you try it without. Just set the clip to your downrigger line at least 15 ft (up to 30 ft). Give the throttle a little goose and troll it at 2.2 to 3.5 mph.
Gibbs Wedding Band #4 Hook Red Bead
Seriously, a must-have multipurpose lure for the lakes on Vancouver Island and anywhere else you plan to target trout, walleye, bass, kokanee, and more. When fish see the sparkle of the Indian blade and rhinestone rondelle (the part that looks like a wedding band), they say “I do.”
Lighthouse Lures Glow Bloody Nose
Fits salted or plastic bait (anchovy) from 4.5 to 6 in. It’s got really great glow, and gives the bait the wounded “punched in the nose” effect that Mike Tyson would be proud of. Lawd have merthy, you’ll cath more fith!
Gibbs Highliner “A” Guide Series No Bananas UV
Trouble deciding on a flasher? Lime green, lemon yellow, red tail, and a stripe of UV make this handsome devil the best-dressed on your dance floor. It’s super reliable, and a great producer. Try matching with fast-rolling anchovy and you could be landing the winning coho at the Tahsis Enhancement Derby this month. We almost did in 2018.
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Father Day - Catch & Release 40 lb Hatchery male, North Island. Taylor and Ray Logan