By Published On: October 17, 2019

There is something very special in sharing what you have learned and watching the novice learn and grow into what you have shared with them. I so enjoy that. That is why I started teaching fly-fishing back in the late 1980’s.

To tell the truth I was more than a little nervous and hesitant to try to teach fly-fishing. All kinds of doubts and fears cropped up as I prepped the course over the months. I’d never really taught a lot back then. I had some instructional techniques training and that was about it. And I am very social and love to share with people. So I thought I’d give it a shot… what could I lose except to look like a fool and let everyone down.

My first course went ok. I was not really surprised, but at the end the students did up an assessment form and the college summarised it all for me. I was so surprised to hear everyone so pleased with how I had done. This really encouraged me and I taught it more and got better and more relaxed at doing it.

An old saying states that those who cannot do, teach. Well, you cannot teach fly-fishing of you cannot fly-fish. I may not be a world class fly-fisher but what I do know I share. I love to do it.

This November I will be teaching the course again after a long (too long) hiatus. Those who attend will be treated to a plethora of material. Most students think of fly-fishing courses as fly-casting courses. My course is so much more. Students will learn everything from basic gear and clothing to fish species identification, food, habitat, how to read water and, of course, casting.

If you want to learn to fly-fish, not just cast, then come take the course. I promise you will have a great time and you will learn more than you ever thought it involved.

I teach the course so others can learn to enjoy the sport I have loved most of my adult life, but I really think I get more out of teaching it than the students do taking it.

Course Title: Introduction to Fly-fishing
Place: Cowichan Community Centre
Dates and Times: Thursdays, November 7 – December 12, 6:30 – 9 PM
Cost: $150/person
Registration is through the Cowichan Community Centre in Duncan.

Contact: 250-748-7529

The course covers:

Fish & Their Environment
Food & Its Presentation
Flies & Fishing Techniques
Conservation & Etiquette

Where to Shop

Note: Practical Casting lesson will be the Sunday afternoon after the Casting lesson (weather permitting).

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  1. Karen December 11, 2019 at 7:47 pm - Reply

    Will you be offering another fly fishing course in the very near future?

  2. Bill Luscombe December 12, 2019 at 11:14 am - Reply

    Yes, I am scheduled to do another in March 2020. It is timed to end at the start of the major insect hatches in our area.
    You can check it out in the Winter Recreation Guide for the Cowichan Community Centre or simply call the Community Centre for more info re: registration, etc.

  3. Brian December 11, 2020 at 1:20 pm - Reply

    Are you planning a course in 2021?

    • Bill Luscombe August 24, 2021 at 7:26 pm - Reply

      Yes, a new course is starting November 4, 2021 (Thursdays 6:30 pm to 9 pm for 6 weeks) at the Cowichan Community Centre.
      Contact them to register.

  4. Susan Hobson August 24, 2021 at 12:18 pm - Reply

    Will ther be any courses in 2022?

    • Bill Luscombe August 24, 2021 at 7:25 pm - Reply

      Yes, a new course is starting November 4, 2021 (Thursdays 6:30 pm to 9 pm for 6 weeks) at the Cowichan Community Centre.
      Contact them to register.

  5. Ken Kidd January 18, 2022 at 9:26 am - Reply

    Do you do just casting lessons? I have fly fished for several years but my casting needs help.

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