For those that want a deep dive into the scientific details regarding seals, orcas and the Chinook, the Pacific Salmon Foundation has published a video which you can watch here. The presentation is moderated by Stuart McNish, with main presenters, Dr. Brian Riddell, President & CEO, Pacific Salmon Foundation, and Dr. Andrew Trites, Director of Marine Mammal Research Unit.
The description reads, “It’s well known that the Southern Resident Orca population is struggling and one of the major issues is lack of Chinook – their primary food source. Scientists Dr. Brian Riddell and Dr. Andrew Trites address how we got here and what needs to be done in a presentation hosted by the Pacific Salmon Foundation. You can support Chinook restoration projects by donating to https://www.psf.ca by December 31st , 2018. Your donation will be matched and every $100 you donate will receive one entry to win a hand-carved Seawolf PEETZ reel. Become a part of the solution, donate today: https://www.psf.ca/support/donate-online.”
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