On any given day, on any given body of water around BC’s coast, you are likely to hear an angler say just that. It’s been a common way to say, “Nice fish!” for years, but it seems to have caught on for anything from a cold beer to a boat to a nice paycheck — “It’s a gooder!”
I get a kick out of etymology (the study of the origin of words), and while I can’t pin down when “gooder” was first coined, it seems like it’s been a part of our local lingo forever. Maybe it emerged as a short version of “do-gooder” or a way to say “better than good” (i.e., “gooder than good”). Whatever the source, it’s here to stay, just like the month of “Hogust,” when we expect returning fish, plump from gorging themselves on their way to spawning grounds.
Send In Your Fish Pics
Let’s be real—it’s not a fishing magazine without plenty of “fish pics,” so send us shots of your gooders! We have a Brag Board section on our website and in most issues. You can simply email them with a description of what we are looking at to [email protected]—every fish has a story, and we love to share angling experiences. Just be sure to send your photos as a large file size (you just may make the cover).
Phones Work Great—Email “Actual Size” Photos
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Father Day - Catch & Release 40 lb Hatchery male, North Island. Taylor and Ray Logan