On February 5, the DFO released a letter designed to “communicate the Department’s approach for developing fisheries management actions to address conservation concerns for Fraser River Chinook in 2019.”
The 17-page document identifies “conservation concerns” and is focused on the 2019 Fraser River Chinook.
Page 7 of the document, “Table 3: Summary Table of proposed management actions for Scenario A and B,” discusses actions including non-retention of Chinook over the 2019 season.
Jeff Grout, the Regional Resource Manager of Salmon (and author of the letter) suggests that “If you wish to provide feedback, please do so in writing, by March 1, 2019 to the DFO Pacific Salmon Management Team at [email protected]. Feedback received will be summarized by the Department and any recommendations on harvest planning will be provided to First Nations and the Departments advisory committees, including the Sport Fishing Advisory Board (SFAB), Commercial Salmon Advisory Board (SFAB), Marine Conservation Caucus (MCC) and Integrated Harvest Planning Committee (IHPC) for further consideration. “
The full document can be downloaded here, and be advised—the window to respond in writing to these proposed management actions closes March 1, 2019.
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