Salmon Diet Science: What Do Salmon Eat?
ASDP team members collect entrails from salmon caught during the ...
ASDP team members collect entrails from salmon caught during the ...
*This article appeared in the July 2022 Issue. Expect a ...
When, and why the coho show up in the Strait of Georgia.
The Wigglefin Action Disc adds vibration and action to a hoochie or bucktail for those fisherman who don’t want to fish with a flasher.
The stomachs of your Chinook and coho salmon are no longer just crab bait; they can help us understand the ecosystem that supports our salmon resource.
Vancouver Island is home to approximately 37 hatcheries, seven of which are major federally operated facilities. In addition, there are also 45 First Nations and non-profit community-based groups working toward one common goal: helping to enhance salmon stocks as well as to protect, maintain, and restore their natural habitat. In 2018...
You know those, “Oh, I get it” moments? Out of all the trips to derbies, lodges, and scenic fishing spots on Vancouver Island in 2018, the trip to Tahsis was truly mine.
Fishing with Nootka Marine Adventures in the 5th Annual Salmon Enhancement Derby. After a gorgeous 40-minute weave through the inlets, we were rewarded with the stunning, protected Moutcha Bay, fed by the Conuma River.
Up until the mid-1990s, coho were the foundation almost every year for productive salmon fishing in the Strait of Georgia recreational fishery. Since then, however, their presence has been much less predictable...
Coho are well known for their aggressive behaviour and for their jumping and rolling tactic once hooked; they can vary in size, and can range from seven to 20 pounds.